June 2024 Archives

Next Week

Next Tuesday and Wednesday will be by appointment only, as we are wrapping up the move of our phone and internet services. We are happy to accept same day appointments, with a minimum 1 hour notice. Feel free to call or email us for an appointment,
7633602163 Service@pcbitsweb.com service@pcbitscpr.com.

Please check voicemails!

We have had several people call us saying we promised them a call and we never got back to them. We do our best to make sure everyone on the list is called as soon as possible but we do sometimes have to leave a voicemail. We understand people are busy and have important things to do so, we try not to call a lot in one day. If we leave a voicemail we will try again the next day. Please check your voicemails if you're waiting on a call from us and haven't heard anything. We are moving at the end of the week so some things may get lost in the chaos, but we are doing our best to make sure that it's not a customer that gets lost.

Reminder Cards

We have reminder cards available at the store for anyone who wants one with our new address and moving date on them. We also have maps with the new location on them for you! Feel free to stop in anytime for one.

Summer Activities

Did you know that most aquariums and zoos have free, printable coloring pages? National Geographic even has a whole printable coloring book! Most of them include fun facts, like did you know that sea otters cuddle to stay together as the ocean moves?
My favorites are the Monterey Bay Aquarium, National Geographic Kids, and zoowithus.com. I also really enjoy not having to find parking. Zoo with Us has a list of major zoos with links to their coloring pages.



Our new address is 12045 Hanson Blvd Coon Rapids Mn 55433, not 14025 Hanson.

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from June 2024 listed from newest to oldest.

May 2024 is the previous archive.

September 2024 is the next archive.

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