May 2024 Archives

Exciting news!

We are moving into a new space! We are moving the beginning of July to 14025 Hanson blvd. We know this change may be inconvenient for some people but we are hopeful that this new space makes things a little easier for most of our customers. The parking lot is easier to get into, the shops next door are a pizza place and a breakfast cafe so, if your repair is going to be fast, like a simple tune up, then you can enjoy some lunch or breakfast while you wait.

CCleaner Update

We've had a couple of people call in concerned about the updates to CCleaner and the missing registry button. You can skip that part of the monthly to do list, most of the time no one has any issues with their registry anyway. Otherwise, everything is good to go as always.

Memorial Day

Hello, we will be closed on Saturday, 5/25, for Memorial Day weekend. We will be open Tuesday for our normal hours. Thank you!

New Grad?

If you have a new high school graduate, make sure their computer is set for college! Whether their current one needs a tune up or they need a new one we can help. We just restocked our refurbished computer stock. We even have a 2-in-1 with a touchscreen!

Making Minnesota

Hey folks! We just wanted to share with you something super awesome from the Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS). They have a free activity book about the history of Minnesota and how awesome the state is now. It talks about the people who live here, the dinosaurs and megafauna that would have been in the area, the climates and natural resources, the lakes, the agriculture (including our amazing wild rice), and all the outdoor fun we have available to us as Minnesotans! This is meant for kids but I did order one for myself, despite being 27. This book is entirely free (including shipping for MN residents and anyone out of state can get one for just the price of shipping.

We aren't getting paid for any of this, we just want to share the MNHS and the beauty of Minnesota with everyone! Of course we wouldn't share something this awesome without giving you the link to get one for yourself. Order yours here.

Have a beautiful weekend!

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from May 2024 listed from newest to oldest.

April 2024 is the previous archive.

June 2024 is the next archive.

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