April 2024 Archives

Stories Foundation

Hey folks! When you stop in for your computer tune up make sure to stop by and talk to Deb about the Stories Cafe coming to Ramsey off of Armstrong. The Stories Cafe helps support the Stories Foundation, which fights human trafficking in Minnesota. They are selling some really cool bracelets to help raise money to fund the cafe. The bracelets are $15 and the quality is amazing. You can check out the Stories Foundation at storiesfoundation.org. Deb at Impact Accounting has 150 bracelets to sell, let's help her sell them all!

Thank you!

Antivirus for my Phone?

Did you know you can get antivirus for your phone? Both of our recommended  antivirus programs, Avira and Malwarebytes, have mobile versions! Just search for them in your app store and download the app. They run scans the same way they do on your computer. 

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from April 2024 listed from newest to oldest.

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May 2024 is the next archive.

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