Windows Updates due Thursday March 16th

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Mar. 14th is Windows Update Tuesday!   Thursday the 16th is a good day to check Windows updates.

NOTE:  Microsoft is still "aggressively pushing" Windows 11.  First they want to check your computer for compatibility.  MOST computers will not be compatible!

DO NOT install Windows 11.  Every new version of Windows has had major problems for no less than two years!  Customers continue to come in with bad problems with Windows 11.  Microsoft "encrypts" the hard drive without your knowledge or permission.  You will need a "key" to read your files if Windows locks up, but you don't know what it is!

Note: Microsoft is still planning on removing Internet Explorer (the oldest browser) soon.  It will happen automatically.  You should stop using it if you still do!


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This page contains a single entry by PC Bits published on March 3, 2023 6:44 PM.

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